A warning statement against children joining the Houthi summer centers

A warning statement against children joining the Houthi summer centers The Houthi group announced the inauguration of summer centers in its areas of control for the year 2023, targeting more
than a million school children, despite human rights reports that documented the commission of grave violations in these
centers during the past years.
We at Mayyun Organization warn of the danger of these centers to the safety of children, as we have documented over the last year the occurrence of systematic recruitment of children, paramilitary and sectarian activities, in addition to documenting the exposure of a number of children to physical and sexual abuse.
At the same time, we call on parents to preserve their children by not responding to invitations to join thesesuspicious centers and not to hand over their children to abuse, especially in closed centers.
Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization
April 29, 2023