A statement condemning the arrest of the Marib authorities, writer Manea Suleiman

A statement condemning the arrest of the Marib authorities, writer Manea Suleiman
We condemn the arrest by the local authorities in Marib of writer Manea Suleiman on June 18, 2023, due to his opinions he
expressed on social media platforms.
We express our condemnation of the inhuman conditions of his detention by the “military police” who are not authorized to arrest civilians pending opinion cases, as well as preventing his family from communicating with the detained writer.
This violation of the right to express an opinion comes in the context of suppressing freedoms and silencing voices committed
by the authorities in areas controlled by the recognized government or those under the control of the Houthi group, to the extent that Yemen has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world for the lives of journalists and activists.
We call on the authorities in Marib to respect public freedoms and the right to express opinion, release writer Manea Suleiman immediately, and abide by Yemeni law with regard to press and publishing issues.
Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization
July 11, 2023